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Stephanie Francella-Stephen is a PD Network Workshop Presenter for Ontario English Catholic Teacher's Association.  If you are interested in more information on the following workshop below, please contact your local Unit president for more information.  

Inquiry and Outdoor Education in Kindergarten

Audience: Kindergarten

Young children are born with an innate desire to explore and experience everything that surrounds them. They are curious, capable, competent and rich in potential. They ask questions and learn by doing. Nature based and outdoor programming is successful when the Kindergarten educators model enthusiasm for nature play and encourage all learners to participate, making sure the entire group is physically active and safe as well as comfortable. This “hands-on” indoor/outdoor workshop will deepen your understanding of the possibilities of learning outside in nature and with found and natural materials. During this workshop, ideas will be shared on how to create and support open-ended experiences and inquires. Through experience, obstacles and successes, Kindergarten educator teams can create a very naturally stimulating learning environment both indoors and outdoors meeting board, ministry and safety guidelines. Educators will also discuss and share ideas of how teams can bring the outdoors in to support the Four Frames of the Kindergarten document if outdoor exploration and inquiry is limited in your school yard or surrounding area.

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